Robotics Log 16, Meeting 20 (Toby Minick, Alex Eagan (Co writer), 11-15-2017, 4:00-6:30)


Meeting Goals:
First order of business is to complete the robot
Second order of business, that could be going on while robot is being built is to figure out funding and a timetable.

Missing worm gear for the first turning of the arm...the shoulder. But Mr Coleman has offered to show us some of his gears. Me, Joel and Sahil are going to look at the gears while Alex and Ramiro work on the claw.

In Mr Coleman's room we found a helix gear, which was the gear we where looking for. Its plastic, but it works with the worm gear that we have. So Joel and I are going to try to hook up the big arm to the shoulder, while Alex, Sahil and Romiro work on making a claw, and realizing just how little time we have. About Seven meetings.

So...Mr Coleman Forgot his phone, and the gear we got didn't really fit, but it connects to the worm gear, and the robot looks like it might be ready by the end of the day if we all stay a while.

So the robot is complete, but we don't know if it will work. And the motor is blown. The motor isn't strong enough to lift the entire arm. Some of us are calling it a night.

So Alex ran the blown motor after we had already found out that it was blown. The room smells funny now, and there is a little bit of smoke. Good job Alex. He did manage to detrmine that it was completely done as a motor, and could not be used again.

Goals for next time
find a new way to put the arm together so that it doesn't blow out a motor.


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